
AI and SEO: How artificial intelligence helps you with search engine optimisation


Since the launch of OpenAI ChatGPT in late 2022, artificial intelligence (AI) has been on everyone's lips. Discussions about how AI is changing our world and the ethical issues it raises are complex and sometimes heated. Despite the critical voices, experts generally agree: AI is having a tangible impact on our lives and society. The applications of AI are diverse, and the use of AI in digital marketing is opening new doors. For example, AI is increasingly being used for search engine optimisation (SEO). By integrating ChatGPT and DeepL into the content management system (CMS) Drupal, many SEO relevant adjustments are possible. In this blog post we will take a closer look at artificial intelligence, the different AI tools and how AI can help with search engine optimisation (SEO).

What is AI?

The term artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used. But few people know what AI is. The goal of AI is to give machines the ability to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. AI systems are designed to analyse data, recognise patterns, make decisions and even have human-like conversations. AI is a program that feels, thinks, acts and adapts.

At the heart of AI are algorithms and models that enable computers to process information and learn from it. This is where machine learning, an essential aspect of AI, comes in. Machine learning enables systems to master certain tasks or problems through repeated training and analysis of data.

Another specific area of machine learning that is receiving increasing attention is deep learning. This is an advanced form of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to recognise complex patterns in large data sets. These neural networks are made up of layers of processing units that process and transform information in different ways. Did you know that the popular AI tool ChatGPT is based on deep learning?

By combining machine learning and deep learning, AI systems can continuously improve their performance and enable themselves to handle increasingly difficult tasks. One example is the ability to train neural networks to recognise images, understand human speech or even drive autonomous vehicles.

AI classification

Known AI tools

As we enter 2023, the demand for AI tools has increased significantly. Many are experimenting with different tools to add value to their work. In this chapter, we will introduce you to some tools that can make your marketing job easier and increase your success:

ChatGPT: A tool for all cases

ChatGPT is probably the most well-known AI tool. It has the ability to generate human-like text and thus offers a wide range of applications. From entertainment to informative conversations to creative storytelling, ChatGPT is a versatile companion. Its ability to interact naturally makes it an expert to ask for advice and help you in many ways. 

Dall-E 2: Unique images at the touch of a button

The art of visual representation is redefined with Dall-E 2. This remarkable tool can create matching images from text descriptions. Whether it's abstract ideas or unique product images, Dall-E 2 allows us to transform our ideas into captivating images. Quick to the perfect presentation

The tedious task of creating presentations is transformed into a fun experience with Thanks to its intelligent design functions, users can concentrate on the content while takes care of the design. The result is stunning presentations that can be created in no time at all.

DeepL: Translate (almost) like a native speaker

Global communication is taken to a new level with DeepL. This impressive translation tool delivers translations that almost sound like they were written by native speakers. The precision and naturalness of its translations make it a cornerstone in international communication.

AI for successful SEO 

The image shows the menu of the AI tool ChatGPT

The AI tools presented offer a wide range of possible uses and make your marketing activities such as SEO much easier. From detailed keyword analysis to content optimisation, they play a central role in improving the search engine ranking of websites. In this section, we show how AI can support search engine optimisation.

Creating high-quality content

Quality content is crucial for SEO as it improves the user experience, increases time spent on the site and increases the likelihood of backlinks. AI tools such as ChatGPT can help create quality content by identifying relevant topics and creating first drafts of SEO relevant content such as blogs. In addition, ChatGPT can automatically generate alt text and make multimedia content more accessible through automated video transcripts, captions, etc. AI tools can also check text for grammar, style and plagiarism. This saves time and resources while increasing search engine visibility.

Technical search engine optimisation

Technical SEO is crucial for websites to rank well in search results. AI tools can help by automatically creating an XML sitemap that is constantly updated to make it easier for search engines to index. They can also automatically generate breadcrumb navigation elements, which improve the user experience as well as search engine rankings. Another important aspect is duplicate content identification, where AI tools can help identify duplicate content and alert the site owner.

Make on-page optimisations

The AI tools also help with on-page optimisation. For example, ChatGPT can automatically create meta tags for a page or make suggestions for optimised meta tags. The tedious but important work for search engine rankings is completely taken care of by AI. AI can also recognise the hierarchy in the text and improve the structure based on this, for example by unifying headings or defining headings. Another way to improve SEO is to use AI tools to generate structured data. This provides search engines with detailed information about the content, enabling faster indexing and better ranking.

Improve user experience

Another important SEO factor is usability. Here, AI tools can translate entire website content at the click of a button, increasing usability through multilingualism. Another point is that AI tools can improve the search function of the website: AI can analyse the semantic search queries of the user:inside and make suggestions for relevant search terms.

Mobile optimisation

Mobile optimisation is often underestimated in SEO. But it is important, and AI can help make mobile navigation more user friendly. For example, the tools can easily compress images and other resources to reduce load times.

What does Google think about AI content? 

Discussions at Google Search Central Live in Tokyo in June 2023 provided valuable insights into Google's views on AI-generated content. One key takeaway is that Google makes no distinction between AI-generated and human-generated content. Specifically, this means that quality still drives rankings, and high-quality content will rank better regardless of its origin.

Google therefore recommends that AI content, including translated content, is reviewed by human editors prior to publication. Google's search algorithms still favour "natural" content created by humans, as AI cannot offer personal experience or expertise. There is also a risk of duplication and inaccuracy with purely AI-generated content. So be aware of the limitations of AI tools and choose quality over quantity.

Integrating AI in CMS Drupal

AI tools are undoubtedly a key to increasing the efficiency of SEO. They allow complex tasks such as keyword analysis, high-quality content creation and on-page optimisation to be performed automatically and accurately. These tools have revolutionised the world of online marketing, enabling marketing teams to optimise their online presence and drive more traffic to their websites.

To further increase the usefulness of AI tools and save time, ChatGPT and DeepL can now be seamlessly integrated with the Drupal content management system. This integration opens up completely new possibilities for content creators and marketing teams.
AI Tools in Drupal
The benefits of integrating AI tools into a CMS like Drupal are many. Here are some of the most important:

  • Increased efficiency: The automated use of AI tools in Drupal simplifies and accelerates SEO tasks considerably. Content creators can focus on more creative aspects of their work, while the technical and time-consuming tasks are taken over by the AI tools.
  • High-quality content: AI tools can assist with content creation by offering suggestions for relevant keywords, text structure and even translations. This leads to more readable and SEO-optimised content.
  • Competitive advantage: Companies that integrate AI tools into their CMS often have a competitive advantage, as they can react more quickly to changes in the search algorithm and adapt their SEO strategies.

Conclusion and summary

In this blog post, we have highlighted the transformative power of AI in online marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO). AI tools like ChatGPT and DeepL have fundamentally changed the way we optimise our online presence. From creating quality content and technical SEO to improving usability and mobile optimisation, these tools offer a wide range of ways to boost your website's rankings.

Integrating AI tools into the Drupal content management system opens up new horizons. It increases efficiency, leads to high quality content and gives companies a competitive edge. Arcmedia has already successfully integrated ChatGPT and DeepL into Drupal and has extensive experience in using these AI tools for SEO purposes. We would be happy to show you how these tools can be used in practice. Please contact us to learn more about how our experts can help your business optimise your online presence.


Alena Klemenjak works in the digital marketing and communications team at Arcmedia. She deals with all issues related to social commerce, social media, marketing automation and search engine marketing. Alena is happy to share her expertise on these and other relevant digital marketing topics.