
What is digital marketing? Definition, activities and strategy


At a time when the internet has fundamentally changed the way we communicate, interact and do business, digital marketing has become an indispensable part of modern business life. This blog article will take you on a journey through the fascinating world of digital marketing – from definition, to activities, to developing an effective marketing strategy.


What is digital marketing? 

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing activities that use digital channels and platforms to promote products, services or brands. Companies use digital marketing to strengthen their online presence, reach their target audience and ultimately increase conversions and sales. The importance of digital marketing is enormous, as it allows for targeting, customised content and direct interaction with customers. The evolution of digital marketing goes hand in hand with the evolution of the internet and technology. In the early days of the internet, the possibilities were limited, but as technology advanced and mobile devices became more common, more prevalent and interactive channels were created. From simple static websites, digital marketing has evolved into a complex landscape that includes social media marketing, video, search engine marketing and much more.

What are digital marketing activities? 

There are a number of digital marketing activities that companies can use to strengthen their online presence and achieve their goals. Here are some of the main activities at a glance:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

SEO is essential to be visible in search engine results. By optimising the content, keywords and technical aspects of a website, search engine rankings are improved. This will generate more organic traffic. At the same time, SEO is closely linked to web analytics. A well-optimised website not only offers relevant content, but also user-friendly navigation and fast loading times. This increases visitor satisfaction and improves search engine rankings. Ongoing adaptation of the SEO strategy to changing algorithms and search trends is also essential for long-term success.

Social media marketing 

The use of social media such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn enables companies to reach their target audience and increase brand awareness. Targeted posts, interactions and visual content can foster customer loyalty and build trust. However, effective engagement on these platforms requires a precise analysis of the target group to better understand their needs and interests. This allows relevant and engaging content to be shared at the right time to build a long-term relationship and maximise brand impact.

Content marketing 

By creating relevant, high-quality content, businesses can showcase their expertise, inform customers and build strong trust. Examples of content marketing include blog posts, videos, infographics and more. This requires a specific digital marketing strategy to determine the optimal channels and approaches.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising 

PPC advertising enables targeted advertising on search engines and social media. Since companies only pay for advertising when users click on their ads, PPC advertising is a cost-effective digital marketing strategy. PPC advertising allows for precise targeting and also delivers fast and measurable results. In order to comprehensively evaluate and optimise the success of these campaigns, marketing analytics plays a crucial role. By analysing data, companies can gain insights to continuously refine their PPC strategies and achieve the best possible return on investment.

Email marketing 

Email marketing is an effective way to inform customers, communicate offers and build long-term relationships. Personalised emails can achieve high conversion rates, with conversion marketing playing a crucial and measurable role. By targeting recipients and providing relevant content, companies can optimise their email campaigns and maximise the benefits for both sides.

The right combination of the listed activities enables companies to strengthen their digital presence in a targeted way. This allows companies to reach a broader range of their target groups, build long-term relationships and ultimately ensure their success in the dynamic digital space in the long term. In order to successfully implement digital marketing activities, a well thought-out marketing strategy is required. The following section describes the basic features of an effective digital marketing strategy.

Effective digital marketing strategy 

A well thought-out digital marketing strategy is the key to success in the digital age. It enables companies to achieve their goals, effectively address their target group and plan their digital marketing activities. The most important steps of a successful digital marketing strategy are goal setting, target group analysis, competition analysis, as-is analysis, strategy development, automation and optimisation.

Steps of a digital marketing strategy

1. Target setting

Every successful strategy starts with a clear objective. Define what you want to achieve with your digital marketing campaign. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, generating leads or increasing sales – the objectives are the guide for all further steps.

2. Develop target group analysis and personas 

Understand your audience in detail. Create detailed buyer personas to understand their needs, preferences and behaviours. This allows you to develop targeted messages that are tailored to the individual needs of your customers.

3. Competitor analysis and positioning

Analyse your competitors and identify your unique selling proposition. A clear positioning will help you to differentiate yourself in the market and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

4. Analysis: Evaluate existing content, measures and tools

Review the existing content, activities and tools you are already using. Identify what is working, such as search engine marketing (SEO), and where there is potential for improvement. Use this as a starting point for digital marketing strategy development.

5. Develop an optimised content strategy 

Develop a content strategy based on the audience analysis and objectives. What content is needed? What channels, such as social media marketing, should it be distributed through? Always ensure that the content is relevant, engaging and valuable to your target audience.

6. Automation of marketing processes 

Rely on marketing automation for more efficient processes. Automated email campaigns, social media planning and lead nurturing save time while ensuring targeted customer interaction. Web and marketing analytics can also provide valuable insights.

7. Continuous data analysis and optimisation 

The work is not finished after the implementation of the strategy. Through a continuous data analysis, such as the monitoring of search engine rankings, the success of the campaigns can be measured and optimised. Adjustments can be made to achieve better results in conversion and traffic marketing.

A successful digital marketing strategy requires planning, flexibility and continuous adaptation. By implementing these steps, companies can strengthen their online presence, improve customer loyalty and achieve long-term success in the digital space.

Trends in digital marketing 

The world of digital marketing is constantly changing, and two of the most important trends deserve special attention:

Artificial Intelligence and Automation 

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation have revolutionised digital marketing. AI enables personalised customer interactions by analysing data to deliver tailored content and recommendations. Chatbots provide real-time support, while automated processes streamline campaign management. This increases efficiency and enables better customisation. Continuous integration of these technologies ensures an innovative and sustainable digital marketing strategy.

Personalisation and individualisation 

Personalisation and customisation are critical to modern digital marketing. Using data-driven approaches, companies can not only make personalised recommendations and send targeted messages through social media marketing, but also create unique user experiences. By personalising the experience, customers feel more engaged, develop a stronger bond with the brand and become loyal ambassadors who share their positive experiences with others. This personal connection differentiates companies and creates a sustainable customer base.

Adapting to these trends is critical to digital marketing success. Companies that integrate AI and automation, as well as personalisation and customisation, into their digital marketing strategies can benefit from personalised experiences and improved customer relationships. These trends show that success in digital marketing depends on the ability to continuously adapt to new technologies and consumer trends.

Why choose a digital marketing agency? 

Even in today's digital age, the world of digital marketing can be overwhelming. From search engine optimisation (SEO) to content creation to social media, there are many aspects to consider. This is where digital marketing agencies come in to help companies strengthen their online presence and operate successfully in the digital world.

One of the main reasons why it makes sense to hire a digital marketing agency is because of their expertise. Digital marketing agencies specialise in digital marketing and know the latest trends, tools and technologies. They understand the nuances of different platforms and how to develop targeted campaigns to reach the right audience. Digital marketing also requires a lot of time for planning, implementation and analysis. Working with an agency can free up internal resources for other business-critical tasks. The digital marketing agency takes responsibility for the management and execution of marketing campaigns, including digital marketing consultancy.

Overall, digital marketing agencies are a valuable resource for strengthening a company's digital presence. They combine expertise, efficiency and measurable results to help companies on the path to digital success. By leveraging the expertise of an agency, companies can focus on their core business while reaping the benefits of an effective digital marketing strategy.

Conclusion and summary 

In an increasingly digital world, digital marketing has become an indispensable tool for successfully positioning companies and achieving their goals. It enables targeted outreach, personalised content and direct interaction with the target audience. From search engine optimization and social media marketing to individual customer targeting through AI ­­– the diversity of digital marketing is impressive, with trends such as artificial intelligence and personalisation ensuring maximum efficiency and customer intimacy.

An effective digital marketing strategy is key to success. It requires clear objectives, thorough audience analysis and continuous optimisation. While the world of digital marketing can be complex, digital marketing agencies such as Arcmedia offer valuable support. Arcmedia combines expertise and resource efficiency to guide you on your path to digital success.

Alena Klemenjak works in the digital marketing and communications team at Arcmedia. She deals with all issues related to social commerce, social media, marketing automation and search engine marketing. Alena is happy to share her expertise on these and other relevant digital marketing topics.