
How we save your Magento webshop: Arcmedia's proven approach

The challenges of an existing Magento webshop can be manifold: lack of optimisation, low sales figures or a misleading user experience. But all these difficulties don't have to mean the end. Arcmedia is here to help you get your webshop back on track. In this blog post, we show you how we go about it.

Common problems with a Magento webshop

Before we present our structured approach, we would like to highlight the most common problems that can occur with Magento web shops. Over time, a Magento online shop can encounter various challenges that affect its performance and user-friendliness.

  • Lack of optimisation: An insufficiently optimised webshop can lead to long loading times and a poor user experience 

  • Low sales figures: If the shop does not achieve enough conversions, this is often due to problems in usability or marketing. 

  • Bad design: An unattractive or misleading design can deter potential customers from making a purchase 

  • Security vulnerabilities: Outdated software or lack of security measures make a shop vulnerable to attacks. 

  • Missing updates: An outdated webshop may have compatibility and performance issues 

  • Weak search function: If customers can't find what they're looking for, they quickly leave the shop. 

Our approach to saving your online shop 

1. Technical audit

A technical audit is the first step in assessing the current state of your webshop. Here we check: 

  • Actuality of the Magento solution: We check whether your Magento installation is up to date. Outdated versions can cause security vulnerabilities and performance problems. We make sure that all updates and patches are installed.

  • Security: Our experts analyse the security measures of your shop. We check firewall settings, SSL certificates and other security measures to ensure that your shop is protected against potential threats.

  • Deviations from the standard: Excessive customisations and poorly implemented extensions can lead to instabilities. We identify such customisations and assess whether they are useful and necessary.

  • Performance-Messungen: We carry out comprehensive performance tests, analyse loading times and identify bottlenecks. We use tools to improve the speed and efficiency of your shop.

Conclusion of the technical audit: After completion of the technical audit, we evaluate whether the technical basis of your webshop is stable and future-proof or whether major adjustments are necessary.

2. UX audit

The user experience is crucial for the success of a webshop. In our UX audit, we analyse the following areas: 

  • Produktkatalog: A well-structured and appealing product catalogue is essential. We check that the product information is complete and well organised and that high quality images are used.

  • Search: An efficient search function is essential. We test how fast and precise the search results are and whether relevant filter options are available.

  • Navigation: Intuitive navigation makes it easier for users to find products. We evaluate the menu structure, breadcrumb navigation and overall user guidance.

  • Checkout: The checkout process should be smooth and user-friendly. We analyse the individual steps, check the form fields and test the user-friendliness on various devices. 

Conclusion of the UX audit: We evaluate the user-friendliness of your webshop and provide concrete recommendations for improving the user interface.

3. Digital Marketing Audit

A well-functioning webshop requires a strong digital marketing strategy. Our digital marketing audit includes: 

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): We analyse your website for SEO best practices, check the keyword strategy, meta tags and content. In doing so, we identify whether your site ranks well with search engines.

  • SEA (Search Engine Advertising): We evaluate your current advertising campaigns and make recommendations for optimisation. This includes analysing the target groups, the effectiveness of the ads and the budget allocation.

  • Digital Analytics: We check the analytics tools you use and the data collected. We check whether you are tracking the right KPIs and how you can use them to optimise your shop.

  • Conversions: A high conversion rate is the goal of every e-commerce strategy. We analyse the entire sales process and identify weak points that could prevent potential customers from making a purchase.

Conclusion of the digital marketing audit: We present you with a detailed conclusion and concrete recommendations for action, including a cost estimate for implementation.

Best practices for your online shop

A successful Magento webshop requires more than just a functioning platform. It's about providing a seamless and engaging user experience that excites customers and motivates them to buy. In this context, the following tips for Magento 2 performance optimisation can be particularly helpful as well as the following best practices to optimise your webshop:

User-centered design

First impressions count. An appealing, user-friendly design is crucial to keep visitors on your site and guide them through the buying process. Pay attention to the following: 

  • Intuitive navigation: Make sure visitors can easily find what they are looking for. A clear menu structure, well-placed search functions and logically organised categories are essential here.

  • Mobile optimisation: As people are increasingly shopping via mobile devices, your online shop must work just as well on smartphones and tablets as it does on desktops. Use a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes. 

Performance optimization

The speed of your online shop has a direct impact on the user experience and conversion rate. Slow loading times often cause visitors to bounce. Therefore, optimise the following: 

  • Images and media: Compress images and use modern formats such as WebP to reduce loading times. Avoid unnecessary animations and videos, which can increase the loading time.

  • Caching and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Use caching techniques and CDNs to deliver content faster. These technologies store copies of your website on servers around the world and deliver them to users from a location near them.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is crucial to be visible in search engine results and generate organic traffic. Pay attention to the following: 

  • Keyword optimisation: Research relevant keywords and integrate them naturally into your product descriptions, titles and meta tags. Avoid keyword stuffing, as this can be penalised by search engines.

  • Technical SEO: Make sure your website has a clean URL structure, an XML sitemap and a correctly configured Robots.txt file. Use structured data to provide search engines with additional information about your products. 

Our successful optimizations 

Durovis: Unique customer experience thanks to Magento

For Durovis, we fundamentally improved the Magento online shop using Magento 2 as the platform. Durovis customers can now realise their individual wishes with the help of spring configurators and CAD models. An embedded iFrame from Solidcomponents provides important product information, making the shopping experience efficient and user-friendly.

The lack of documentation for the ERP connection was a major challenge. Thanks to the close collaboration with Durovis, this problem was solved and the new connection was documented in detail. A comprehensive Magento update, including security patches, now ensures smooth communication between the online shop and ERP. The cookie and consent management was also successfully revised.

Confiserie Bachmann AG: Sweet seduction with a new look

For Confiserie Bachmann, we took over the existing Magento online shop and developed it further. Bachmann's customers can now look forward to a faster, more efficient and visually appealing shopping experience in the characteristic pink look.

The takeover of the online shop brought with it a number of challenges, which were overcome with a structured approach. It was particularly important to establish a stable and future-proof infrastructure that would continue to drive Confiserie Bachmann's e-commerce processes forward.

In 3 out of 4 cases, we can successfully rescue and improve webshops. Our structured approach ensures that all relevant aspects of your Magento webshop are taken into account and optimised. Want to find out more? Contact us and let's get your Magento webshop on the road to success together!

Svenja Bucher works in the digital marketing and communications team at Arcmedia. She deals with all issues relating to social commerce, social media, marketing automation and search engine marketing. She is also happy to provide information on other digital marketing topics.