
Identify archetypal users of your website.

What are personas?

Personas are descriptions of representative members of your target group which include information about personal attributes, lifestyle, socio-demographic characteristics and needs. Personas are the starting point for devising and designing products. They ensure that all members of the project team have a common understanding of and empathy for your users. So when there are decisions to be made, the focus is always on the user. Alongside personas, we can also create empathy maps enabling a deeper holistic understanding of the context of use. Scenarios explain a persona’s activities, wishes and perceptions from their own perspective, and describe how you can achieve your objective with the product in future. 

How are personas created?

Benefits of personas

When are personas useful?

Personas are useful for anyone seeking to design their product around the needs of their users. They can help you understand and take account of the needs and behavioural patterns of potential users. 

Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch

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Our skilled user experience and UI design team have a thorough knowledge of the various usability testing methodologies and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.  
UX Design Team

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